Proof of the Soul
The act of living is different than linear function.
It is true that the body and it's functions can be split up and halted but they come together to love. Think of a car, how it it is powered by combustion or electricity. It is still not a car until it functions as a transport, not as a small explosion or electricity drain only. It is in concert.
To lie is to act on purely metaphysical terms, as it requires an independent understanding and working to circumnavigate the truth.
How can the soul direct cellularly? Through satisfaction of balances and metrics.
Consciousness cannot happen as a singular experience in a multi-cellular body without metaphysical integration (definition; identity; coordination; decision; all these can only be offered by a soul- a human unit)
Atoms and energy don't aimlessly live. It is not just a matter of domino effect. If it was it would be unpredictable. All movement would be a mystery to each other.
We are human because we truly love. We should be respected for our wills, not just for our actions. Human life is an absolute good.
The human soul shapes the body to convey love. We know that we love since conception because it is evident in our fruition. We have the desire to live which can only be constant from conception. It has a moral rationing and behavior, which is simple: gain, respectfully.
We can prove that the soul is real by observing our motions. For every action there must be an opposite and equal reaction. If so, then we humans would only be moving according to the physical momentum that was given to us. Rather, we move because of metaphysical reasons. That principle is the soul. Energy, the source of action, when independent, moves linearly if at all. When it reaches a cell it is redirected to a biological purpose. When it is used by a human body it is used and stored for love. Love. loosely termed, is want and understanding. The more want and understanding, the higher the being, evident in the true love of humans for each other. The soul is essential for life because without it our molecules would never form right. Think of it as the conductor of an orchestra or a traffic cop. The body knows how to function as molecules but the direction comes from the soul.
Both love and body are obvious and are the basis of all definitions, which connect to even more definitions. Our ability to use definitions for our purposes shows we have an independence from the body.
The soul exists to use the brain, not the other way around. To have a mind is to have a metaphysical perspective. Humans are unique, therefore they must have individual souls, not just attitudes or personalities.
One doesn't look at a screen and say that the image is alive. The brain is not sufficient for a will.
The geography of parts of the brain's capacity is for the soul's operation as if by code, which proves the soul since code needs a central input.
Neurons alone cannot gain consensus.
Data doesn't give rise to free will.
The brain needs a perspective reference point that is most important and that is the soul.
So the brain is not the source of intelligence of the person, but rather how it is translated into control. The soul lays claim to the body from conception to death and should be respected as equally as any one human.
We don't think much when we sleep. Does that make us less of a person?
Electrons don't have self-awareness and desire. A part of the brain cannot rule the body without the rest. The parts form a single unit by direction and opinion of the soul.