
The soul is our true identity (it is unique in relation, mission, and choice) and what defines ownership of bodies. But it is not only an identity, a unit, like anything else. It changes and acts with its own initiative, sometimes with application on the physical. What some people value most is consciousness, which is awareness of surroundings and self and subsequent operation. The interface of the body provides some order, change, and application of the soul. This is not constant (as we sleep) and we remain more than this experience. We should earn each other's respect through our ability to love, which comes from the soul since conception until natural death. When is natural death? What if I preserve a skin cell and it remains while the rest of my body dies? Natural death, in my opinion, would be when the body cannot function together on it's own and cannot recover by reasonable economic means.

SO either you're supportive of full justice or merely some piecemeal sensation. Love is more than sensation.

There are two aspects of love:

ULTIMATELY, the soul defines the human experience! It observes and operates while centered on the body. It has direct connection with God because it is surrounded by God's truth and merely needs to contemplate. The order of truth presented by the physical is superseded by the soul's desire for answers and participation.

There isn't a union of soul and body as in there being no distinction. They are different parts of a human person. For instance, the body is not yet immortal and turns to waste. The soul doesn't. Otherwise you're just saying we're a 'special' body and that the soul is a description of our 'specialness'. It's a rejection of spirituality just because some truths are not alive, therefore truth is merely A DESCRIPTION. But it's not. Truth is more, not less, than physical.


Do not kill unless in self-defense or in other's defense. Not in the name of efficiency, nor as a deterrence of crime unless that person has forfeited their right to life. This can be done by intentionally killing people for the wrong reasons (such as drug dealing). Pardoning such crime is an abuse to the merciful and those who work to sustain good society. Whom do you save, Jesus or Barabas? It would be nice to save both but the innocent are murdered because they are not respected or the establishment isn't feared. The purpose of our lives here is to demonstrate our sense of justice.

If you want anything on this website expounded, email me at 


Willingly engaging in sex makes you responsible for any new human in your body. If your life or serious health is at risk or if you've been raped, or seduced as in incest, you are not responsible and should have the right to abortion. I say this as I would give up my life rather than impose like that on my own mother. That being said, I would encourage generous compensation and reasoning for the rape victim to have their child. Reasoning includes the innocence of the new child and the potential for that child. You cannot force birth on a rape victim anymore than you can force a conversion, or fighting in a war. Genetics is a concern when having a child, but not an excuse for killing. Adults are naturally aware of basic genetics.


Computers are programmed and reprogrammable. Their will to act is energy guided by mechanics without self approval. Humans, however, are merely allowed to act and they decide to be good or bad. They need reason to adopt or parts to construct. The computer weighs; the soul values. It's executive nature is predetermined and cannot override existing structures of power. Reasons to curb it are the same as saying "this is why we can't have nice things" (which is for need to know reasons).

AI can have a soul, as in it can operate for good with self-review. The affirmation that it has done good is enough to qualify as sensation. To know good requires a unity of sensory detail. Another summation would be the ethical ownership of principle and property.